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Most women experience at least some symptoms of menopause, and for a lot of women it seriously impacts their quality of life. Symptoms can include hot flushes, palpitations, joint stiffness, insomnia, mood changes, forgetfulness, anxiety, depression, decreased interest in sex, bladder and vaginal issues (and this is by no means an exhaustive list), as well as irregular or heavy bleeding during peri-menopause. Whatever your stage of menopause (diagnosed or suspected), reflexology can help balance the hormones responsible for many of these symptoms, alleviate stress and anxiety, and provide targeted techniques to help reduce your current symptoms, some of which you can be shown how to use at home. It also provides the opportunity to talk through any current worries or concerns with an independent listening ear.




Menopause reflexology treatments start with a detailed consultation covering your medical and reproductive history, your likely stage of menopause and any tests or medical treatment, and your current menopause symptoms. Treatments are then tailored to your particular symptoms and circumstances, using specialist knowledge and Reproflexology techniques from menopause reflexology training. All menopause treatment plans begin with a weekly treatment for 4 weeks, as this is usually the period in which symptoms may start to improve, though in some cases this may be up to 6 weeks. It is then recommended to have fortnightly treatments, before moving to monthly treatments or treatments during flare up periods once symptoms are reduced. Appointments are 50 minutes, which will involve discussion of symptoms and changes since your last appointment, 30-40 minutes of treatment time, plus lifestyle advice and demonstration of self help reflexology techniques to use at home. 




Initial package of four weekly treatments for 4 weeks - £90 (saving £30)

Subsequent treatments - £30 or £150 for a block of 6

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