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Whether you have just started trying for a baby, or have been trying for a while, reflexology can help support you and your partner both physically and emotionally whilst trying to conceive.

Around 1 in 7 couples in the UK experience fertility issues, and this, together with any medical investigations offered, can be a very stressful time, especially if the causes of fertility remain unexplained. Reflexology will help to relax the body and reduce stress levels; stress itself can have a detrimental impact on trying to conceive. Specialist fertility reflexology techniques can also help balance hormones necessary for conception to occur and promote good reproductive health, which may regulate the menstrual cycle/lead to more regular ovulation, and help increase sperm quality and quantity. It also provides the opportunity to take some time out and focus on you, with an independent listening ear if you'd like to talk.




Fertility reflexology treatments start with a detailed consultation covering the medical, reproductive and lifestyle history of both partners to get an accurate picture of your conception journey so far. I can then provide a tailored treatment plan and lifestyle advice to enable you to get the most from your treatments and increase the likelihood of conception. The initial consultation will last around one hour and include the first treatment.

Subsequent appointments are 45 minutes and include consultation, covering changes in medical and reproductive history as well as building up a more accurate picture of your current cycle/ovulatory pattern, and treatment. It is normally recommended the female partner have treatments weekly for the length of one cycle (normally 4-6 weeks) before moving to fortnightly and then monthly treatments around the time of ovulation, but this may be adjusted depending on the treatment plan developed and the effectiveness of treatments as we progress. Male partners are advised to have monthly treatments for at least 3-4 months. 




Initial consultation and treatment - £40

Subsequent appointments - £35

Package of 6 appointments - £175


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